David Miller
Dave started coming to Peru in January 1992 and fell in love with the country. Since, he’s made an effort to come for a visit every two years with his late wife, Vickie. As an avid jogger, Dave enjoys running early in the mornings. He was doing so when he saw small children eating from the garbage. That motivated him to try to help these children.

Before starting the orphanage his pastor preached on James 1:27, and that inspired him even more to start the orphanage in Peru. To get the funds, he sold his old business, and then followed the procedures to build Hogar de Esperanza. He was fortunate to meet some honest businessmen in Peru, and that helped him get things moving. Later on he formed a nonprofit organization in Peru and in the United States called “Saving Street Children“. The Peruvian government was very useful to help with the complex regulations. The orphanage opened its doors to the first orphan in February 2002. Since then, we have expanded the programs at the orphanage, built another building and social projects have added to our ministry.

His late wife, Vickie, was a great help to drive the orphanage. She went to be with the Lord in November 2007, but her love for God and education live in the hearts of all workers and children of Hogar de Esperanza. Thanks for your continued support.


Board Members

Pablo Cenepo-Torres
After completing his seminary training and enjoying three years serving in a Korean-American church in the DC area, he and his wife Sarah decided to return to Peru in 2002 to serve alongside dear missionaries Bert and Colleen Elliot. Since that time, they have been supporting the work at Centro Biblico Trujillo, where he serves as one of the elders. Before joining the orphanage board, Pablo enjoyed serving the orphanage with missions’ teams periodically coming to offer their assistance. He and his wife Sarah have four daughters, Abigail, Hannah, Gabriela and Selah. All four of them attend “Four Arrows Christian School,” a fancy name to identify their homeschooling program. You can read more about this family at servingperu.com






Jaime Luis Ubillus Falla
A native of Chiclayo, a commercial city in northern Peru. Jaime came to know the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Savior at the dawn of a new millennium in early 2000. He and his wife Patty were baptized together the same day and have been serving the Lord Jesus since. Jaime works as an automotive and industrial lubricant sales agent. He and his wife have three grown children: Maria Laura, Ana Paula and Ximena. In the last three years they have joined the ranks of the proud grandparents. As a lover and children, he did not hesitate to accept the opportunity to serve on the board of Hogar de Esperanza at a crucial need that arose in July 2019.






Jorge Santisteban Lujan
A lawyer by training with a big and generous heart for the Lord Jesus and His people! Amid a very difficult time in life, Jorge came to know the Lord Jesus as his personal Savior while listening to an evangelistic broadcast. Since, he has made a complete turn in every aspect in his life starting with his love for his family. He prays that his wife Marina and children Jimena and Rodrigo will one day come to faith in the Lord Jesus. Jorge also joined the Hogar de Esperanza board in July 2019.