Posted 28 April 2006 by admin

We heard good news from Peru . Brady and Trish Testorf, who are adopting a brother and sister (Paul and Yessenia) from the orphanage, have been approved. The process has taken about 10 months and Brady and Trish are very excited about their two new additions to their family. One of the real blessings the Testorfs have had is that their church has come thru and really supported their vision. So when Paul and Yessenia come to the US, they will not only have the Testorf family, but the church family as well, welcoming them home.

The big news about Peru is the election of a president. There were 24 candidates running for the Presidency, and after the primary election there are two remaining. Mr. Humala is a far left candidate who received 31 percent of the vote. He is for redistribution of the wealth in Peru and for taxing the foreign companies. Mr. Garcia is a little right of Humala but has a bad track record. In 1985 -1990 he was the President of Peru and the economy fell apart and the Shinning Path tried to take over the country. This election could have some repercussions in a lot of areas for the orphanage. l

I want to remind everyone that we have two large groups going to the orphanage in July, one from Kansas City and one from Boston. If you have been wanting to send some items to Peru, now is the time! I also have a list available of most needed items as well as kids clothes and shoe sizes.

Some of you who send contributions have been asking about using your credit card. We now have the option of Visa and Master card. Any and all donations are tax deductible. Thank you most of all for your continued interest and prayers.

