Posted 25 August 2004 by admin

We started off August with a 2 month old baby named Jose. His mother has severe mental problems and the father has left the home. Originally, we set up our program for children two years and older, but recently there has been many new born babies that have been abandoned that the orphanages that normally take newborns are full. We took Jose in because our workers were willing to adjust to the new situation. This certainly reflects the great dedicated workers we have. In July, we paid them an extra on half months wage.

Just before August we had a young lady come to volunteer for one year in the orphanage. Heather graduated from Wheaton College and has a passion to help children in Peru. We need other long term volunteers to help at Hogar de Esperanza.

Also, we had a group of 7 from Light House Ministries who were a real blessing to the children and a great help with projects around the orphanage. One special thing the group did is put on a skit whereby they put on different artificial noses and scared our kids. The children love it. They also painted one of the children’s dorms and put in water pipes. Our door are open for other church groups to come and participate.

A husband and wife came the 4th of August and stayed one week to see if God was leading them to adopt one of our children. They took advantage of a program we have at Hogar de Esperanza where we do not charge for room and board if a family is interested in adopting a child. The accommodations in the orphanage are good and the Peruvian food is excellent.

My wife and I want to thank you for all the prayer and financial support that the friends of the orphanage have given.

David Miller