Posted 28 August 2006 by admin

It is winter in Peru but a lot of things were accomplished. The Christ Community Church from Boston, Mass. came with 31 people eager to work. Pastor LLoyd organized them into two work groups, one group put on vacation Bible school and the other did work projects. The VBS people put on two programs, one in Salaverry and the other in Esperanza. It was a real joy to see the response of the children and adults to the program. The work group worked. They finished the widows home, put in 1100 feet of irrigation tubing, planted 43 fruit trees and started on a water fountain for the children. Thanks for the great job.

We heard word in late August that the three sisters have been approved to be adopted by the Brooks family of Champaign, Illinois. The Brooks planned to fly their whole family (three boys and Tim and Andrea) down to the orphanage. The process will take about 4-5 weeks to complete.

I heard some good news from Alto Salaverry. The people there have very little drinkable water. The orphanage allows those people to come down and get water. The tough guys that control the water in Alto Salaverry have expressed there dislike of the orphanage giving away the water. I got a call just last week that the tough guys have lowered the price they sell good water by 50% to get back some business. This is a real blessing for the poor who need every sole.

We started our guinea pig program with the poor in Alto Salaverry. We are setting up training programs on how to feed and take care of them. We hope this program will help a number of families to benefit with some extra money and to have some more meat in their diet.

We put up a gate in front of the orphanage to control trucks that are dumping construction material and garbage behind the orphanage. We stopped the traffic but the poor of Alto Salaverry are complaining that they want the trucks to dump so they can break up the material and sell the steel rebar and other material that is in the trash. We are considering letting them dump construction material but stop garbage. Things are not easy in Peru.

Your support and prayers are greatly appreciated. Thanks so much.

