Posted 28 December 2006 by admin

This December brought in a lot of changes to the orphanage. We had nine of our children placed with families en Peru. This is a real blessing because every child would rather have parents than an institution. Our madres at Hogar de Esperanza do a terrific job guiding and directing the children but still parents are better. The children that left the orphanage varied in age from 13 to 6. Many of the children that left have been at the orphanage for over three years. My prayer is that they will honor and glorify Jesus Christ in all they do.

The children have participated in a number of activities for the Christmas season. We had a number of Peruvians come to the orphanage to put on programs and pass out gifts. We have a gentlemen that comes to orphanage the children call Papa Noel (Santa Claus). He really looks the part and he just doesn’t come to the orphanage in December but three or four times a year and passes out gifts. We also have merchants come and give us fish, fruits and vegetables. This year we had many more Peruvians volunteer and support the orphanage.

Yesenia and Paul were adopted by the Testtorff family who live in the Kansas City area. There was a snow storm in early December and Yesenia saw snow for the first time. She was so amazed that she called the orphanage and in a panic voice wanted to talk with Liz our orphanage director. The person that answered the phone ran to get the director thinking it was an emergency. She found Liz and said that Yesenia needed to talk with her right away. So Liz ran to the phone and Yesenia told her that it was snowing in Kansas City and she did not know quite how to handle it. (Yesenia and Paul grew up around Trujillo where it rains about one inch a year and never snows.)

The new year will bring in new opportunities and challenges. Some of the things we are looking forward to is laying the water line for towns Alto Moche and Alto Salverry. Enrolling more poor Peruvians in growing guinea pigs for food and extra spending money. Helping with a new eye clinic starting in Trujillo and building a program to help poor children learn basic skills in sewing, carpentry, welding and electricity.

Vickie and I appreciate your prayers for this ministry.

Chau Dave