Posted 31 January 2006 by admin

I really want to give you a weather update on Trujillo, Peru, but I think it would not be appreciated.  Vickie and I have been here in the orphanage for about a week, and we see a lot of beautiful children.  We came here packing 530 lbs. of children’s gifts, clothing, batteries, screen wire (very important to keep the flies out), and a 3,000,000 lumen flashlight.  The amazing thing is that we went through customs with no problems.  We passed out our first set of gifts from Liberty Hills Baptist, and this Monday, Jan. 30th, we passed out gifts from Memorial Baptist Church in Shenandoah, Iowa.  Then, in February, we passed out gifts sent by Paul Roy’s family and friends.  Supporters have been so kind that we might have a gift for each month of the year.

On of the projects that we are looking into is to get the children into a better educational environment.  We have four different schools that we send the children to.  For the mentally challenged children, we send them to a special school.  For the children that are way behind in their schooling, we have a special school here in the orphanage.  For the children that are at their normal grade level, we have been sending them to public school.  The public schools here are lacking and really do not challenge the children.  So this year we are considering sending the children to a private school where it will cost about 20 dollars per month per child.  This will be an additional cost, but we are praying for God’s direction in this matter.

We have started our farming program for the boys on the ranch.  We have a cow that is going to have a baby in several months.  We have planted enough alfalfa for about 3 more cows.  The plans are that we will have a constant source of good milk for the children.  Those of you that have come from big families or have one yourself can appreciate the cost involved of supplying milk for 47 children and 7 teenage boys.

We started a program of sharing our water with the poor in our area.  It started when I noticed people detaching our hoses and filling their bottles with water.  I thought that since God has blessed us with two great wells that we should share it.  I built a water station for the poor to fill their bottles and HOW they have been using it.  About 150 people a day come down from a 300 foot hill to fill their vessels with water.  It is so popular that the Mayor wants me to move the water station up the hill which is 1 1/2 miles away.  I have to think that one over.

Thanks for your support and prayers.

