Posted 25 June 2004 by admin

We are rejoicing that the first U.S. adoption went through, and Marcelino is living in Kansas City. Pray for him because of the huge transition he will encounter in the next 6 months. Maria, the adoptive mother, is willing to talk with any parents interested in adopting in Peru. Just email me and I will forward it to her.

We have a retired doctor and his wife, an RN, in the orphanage putting on a clinic. It was amazing how this worked out because Dr. Clossen was retired and had no contacts to get medicine for the clinic. I was talking with someone about medical supplies, and they suggested contacting Heart to Heart. Dr. Clossen contacted them, and they shipped about $18,000 of supplies for the cost of shipping. In fact, the Clossen’s feel they can treat about 800 people free of charge.

We are now buying furniture for the Ranch which we will be starting in July. We are also in the process of hiring people to staff the facility. Pray that God gives us wisdom on structuring the program to be effective for the young boys entering the program.

The orphanage is growing with 37 children ranging from 1 month to 12 years old. We have had some really nice gifts from a church in Kansas City (Lighthouse Ministries) for each one of the children. We need your prayers every day.

David Miller