Posted 28 March 2007 by admin

Fall has begun in Peru and the orphanage children started school this month. We send our children to three different schools. Most of the children go to a private christian school in Trujillo. Some of the children that are far behind in their schooling go to a private school at the orphanage. The children with learning disabilities are sent to a special school in Salaverry sponsored by the Lions club. We also take the children with special needs to Trujillo for rehabilitation.

The saga of the water project goes on. About four months ago I mentioned that there was an election for president of the water district. The good guys won the election. And for the last four months we have been working with them in construction of a water tower and laying piping. Well, for the last four months the tough guys did not like what was going on and they spread lies that the president was stealing money from the orphanage and pocketing money from the construction (which is totaly false). They were effective and the president was impeached and now we have to deal with a new president. We will see how the new president acts toward the water project. The guys that came with a bulldozer and shotgun to bury the well are no where to be found. When we stopped them we also called the police and they came to the orphanage and filled out a report. The men said they worked for a corporation named Lima Primavera who they said was the owners. However when we checked for the registration of the corporation it did not exist. Not unusual in Peru. Our lawyer says we have good title to the land which does not mean much also. The only thing that means a little is that you have a wall around your property and your tough enough not to get kicked out. With all these obstacles we are still laying water tubing from the orphanage to the new water tower. A group of college students came from Corbin College and laid about a 1000 feet of tubing.

In December we had nine children leave the orphanage to go home to their parents.(In Peru if the parent can prove to the court that they are capable of carrying for their child then they can get their child back home). Well, in March we had four of the nine come back to the orphanage because of family conflict. Also, two additional children came to the orphanage increasing the number to 34. We have capacity of 54.

Peru teaches patience and stretches your faith but it has a lot of friendly people and great place to visit. Plan to come and see us.


Dave and Vickie