Posted 27 May 2007 by admin

I received an email from Yan who was adopted by a family in Virginia about two years ago. I asked permission to share his email with you.

I’m so happy to that I could send you an email.
Thank you so much for all the favors that you did for me, like taking the letters to my friends in Peru, I appreciate that.
Here in VA me and my sister are doing good.
She is going to a public school now and she is doing very good.
I’m still in homeschool preparing for high school.
I was taking an advance biology class, at the begining it was hard but then it got fun.
I am playing soccer this season and it is fun.
Well, it’s aplesure to keep in touch with you tio Miller!
hugs and kisses for my tia Vicky, and thank you again.

Vickie and I are at the orphanage for two months. We are having two large church groups come to help with some of the projects around the orphanage. One project that has given me total frustration and joy is the water system to Alto Salaverry. Today, I hand dug out the manure that the tough guy placed in the well to destroy it about two months ago. Nothing could be done because the police wanted no activity on the well. Our lawyer worked out an agreement to get the project rolling again. While I was digging out the chicken manure I thought now why would God allow such a mad man do this. I thought of Romans 8-28 and came to the conclusion that God had something good . The well needs protection from the wind that blows in salt and sand. Then I thought why not take the manure and plant “king grass” (it is a grass that grows 10 feet high) and use the manure to fertilize the plants . I talked with Alex and and the maintenance men and they thought it would be good way of protecting the well.

The orphanage is growing very rapidly and now we are up to 43 children. We are very fortunate to have families and groups come and bring supplies for the children. When a new child comes in we give them new clothes, a physical, and dental treatment. We also have them evaluated for their grade level and place them into one of our four schools. Your support has really helped us do these things.

Vickie and I want to invite you to come and visit the orphanage and see all the neat children we have . And while you are here, give them some hugs and kisses and play a game of tag.


Dave and Vickie