Posted 28 October 2006 by admin

I would like to start with a small miracle. Pastor Gary Stabbs brought his church group in May of this year. While in a Trujillo eating, the car was broken into and someone took his Study Bible. He was certainly heart broken. In October of this year he got a call from a man who spoke broken English and said that he had his Study Bible. He bought the Bible for next to nothing in a flea market and noticed that he had his name in it. Gary remembered that I was still in Peru and he asked him if he could contact me. Two days latter he brought in the Bible and said he did not want any reward but Gary wanted him to have some money and so I gave it to him. He said that he was going to use the money to help another orphanage. Pastor Stabbs is delighted because the bible contains years of study notes that cannot be replaced.

In October, we finished the children’s water fountain. I want to thank the Christ Community Church for their donation and work on the project. It was a gratifying moment when Christy (13 years old) while in the fountain said in Spanish “It’s a lot of fun”. We will be using it for the next 4 months and especially for school vacation.

The six children that were adopted in October are safely back in the US. Also in October, a private school held a special event for our children. Each student parent adopted one of our kids for one day. It really turned out well and one of the student’s parent got so attach to the child that she is asking if she could adopt him. Also the children were overloaded with gifts and candy.

The good guys won the election in the water district that serves 7000 poor people. The President is 35 years old and interested in changing things. This month we came up with a plan where we are going to lay 7 miles of 3 inch tubing from an artisan well in the mountains to the city. What a change, going from water that you can hardly swallow to the taste of the best bottled water in the US. We have one church that is going to help financially and we would like to have others join them. Contact me if you want to help.

Update on the Ranch: We are currently using the facilities for Youth Retreats, special training seminars and housing for large church groups. The youth program that we had started with, ran into problems. When you take a 13 year old street boy that has been living on the street for three years and put him in an environment where he needs to get up at 6AM, do chores, go to school and study . That is a real shock and if you do not lock them into the rooms (which we did not) they just take off. If you do not have parents that are putting pressure on them to stay in the program then they take the path of lest resistance and take off. One third of our time was spent on chasing the boys. I am open to any suggestions about how to reach those boys.

God is so good and it is fun to see him bless the ministry here.

