Posted 31 October 2009 by admin

Hogar de Esperanza’s Anniversary

October 18, 2001 David and Vickie Miller’s dream of helping the street children of Peru became a reality with the opening of Hogar de Esperanza orphanage. Hundreds of children and 8 years later, we gathered together to celebrate. Men and women who were a part of the beginning years shared their experiences with those who have recently become connected with the ministry. The Millers were honored with a mounted, engraved plaque, as well as naming Herbert and Norma Elliot the God-parents of the ministry and thanking them for their beautiful example and support. Pastor Valencia, long time pastor of the church our younger children attend; Carlos Vasques, board member; and David Fhon, former director are a few of the people who shared their thoughts and memories with those in attendance. The children showed off all that they have learned by performing skits, singing and displaying many of their art projects. Before enjoying a lunch cooked by our staff, tours were given and each volunteer presented their area of work to the guests. We are proud of the work our staff are doing and are grateful to celebrate the tremendous growth of Hogar de Esperanza over these 8 years of ministry, which have impacted the lives of so many. Thank you for being a part of changing hearts.

We will miss you, Kevin

Kevin Leyva has called Hogar de Esperanza home since April 2002 and has brought joy to the hearts of many workers and volunteers. However, Kevin is 15 years old and has a variety of special needs. He is leaving our orphanage to be placed in an all boys orphanage in Trujillo, which is equipped to help Kevin succeed. Kevin is loved by all who meet him and will be missed, but we are thankful that God has opened the doors for him to receive the education and support that he needs for his future. Please keep him in your prayers as we all work through this transition.

Orphanage Field Trip

Once or twice a year, the orphanage plans a day out with all the children, staff & families and volunteers. We have become a large group of about 100 people and having time together to bond and strengthen the relationships within our ministry is important. This past month we made the trek to Cerro Negro, which is a beach located 45 minutes south of the orphanage. We packed up our lunch and sandboards, ready to spend the day together. Teams were created for friendly competition in soccer, cheers and tug of war and everyone played in the ocean, made sand castles and practiced sand boarding. The end of the day brought a bit of wind and cold, but the hearts of everyone were warmed.

Thank you for your love and faithfulness to this ministry over the years. We are grateful for your prayers as we reach out to the hurting children of Peru and continue to grow.

Que Dios les bendiga, (May God bless you)

Board of Hogar de Esperanza